My Hypnotic Journey
by Goddess Cathy Venus
I always had the self-taught natural ability of Hypnosis and NLP, however through the years from about 2006 on I became aware of My talent, and often experimented on friends’ minds online, using linguistics, pacing, and a few other techniques. I quickly learned how to control others, and continually delved deeper and deeper into this ability. From 2002 on, I also cultivated both an online following, as well as My own D/s group, or coven of likeminded female friends called the Untouchable Fearless Hotties. Within this large group of followers, dommes, submissives, and switches alike, W/were able to experiment on a larger scale. This being an online community, some have and yet still may, look down upon it, but then again, it was at once a very fresh, very revolutionary journey, as the online “life” can enable people to posit themselves how they wish to be, and this enables a sort of freedom and adventure within itself. I venture to say that an online community such as Mine, can truly show O/one much about their inner selves that simple cannot be experienced out and about in the world, not even in the “real life” fetish communities.
I will say right now knowingly that around 2004 or so I was the founder of the title “Goddess” used as a dominant moniker, at least in the online yahoo D/s scene that I dwelled in. I was never too fond of the word “Mistress” nor “Domina” nor “Domme”. As a “Goddess” I invested My title with more of a sense of “balance” rather than one-sided selfishness, as well as a regal, classier image. I was trained all My life to be a leader, and thusly I can also command with fire and brimstone, attack My detractors, as well as protect and aid the less fortunate. I established My reign as a beneficent Goddess, who is also no-one to trifle with.
While often urged to begin work as an “erotic hypnotist” to those close who knew of My talents, I resisted for several years due to My own personal disdain for the “nastier” elements within the blossoming “erotic hypnosis” scene online. I did not personally enjoy some of the derogatory content, especially that which degraded women. I also found it disturbing how so many hypno-fetishists would casually use the excuse of trance to justify bad submissive behavior. Then I was asked to perform some recordings in a “domme” role for a certain Male Hypnotists’ recordings and soon found I was receiving positive feedback about My hypnotic and vocal abilities. One of My female submissives convinced Me to try My own Hypnotic video where we would record together for fun;(December, 2009) that became “The Ensconcing”, and the rest is history.
Since then, that fun experiment has exploded into an Hypnotic movement. I wrote, recorded, and edited 2 more Hypnotic videos for what has become know as My Mandatory Conditioning Playlist, or “The Trilogy”. All of these being available both for free on You Tube, as well as downloadable at a reasonable fee, from My online store. I eventually began to compose several more extravagant trance files as My followers and fans required. Unlike some, I determine My subjects next direction as I see fit. Unlike others still, I decided out front that I would represent the true Goddess role, meaning I would not do audio porn, would not “serve” My subjects, and would bring forth real, internal changes within My subjects, using all My powers and skill. It is My stance that countless Pro Dommes, so-called Hypno-Goddesses, et al, do not practice anything remotely resembling true mind control, hypnosis, nor NLP. If a subject pays for a file, or a live trance session, it is My responsibility and honor to actually Hypnotize and entrain them. They know upfront what is in store for them, and what is not. I work to establish a sense of trust between Myself and My subject, which is also key to any true results. My realm exists beyond money, and I never pressure a subject for gifts, nor financial compensation. Without trust, there simply is no D/s, there is no Hypnotic transformation that lasts. While My time online is limited, I do try to commune and converse with all members of the community. I have recently found this to be facilitated on My own community site, here at Venus Hypno.
My Hypnotic arrival was almost “prevented” by others who were then controlling the scene. I was banned from the now-defunct “hypnotize me” at Snapville site without posting a word. I was later banned from the “Inraptured” site (controlled by another female hypnodomme) before posting as well. I began to realize that My arrival into the business of hypnosis would probably not make Me any friends.
When I did formally announced My goals and program, I was of course met by some resistance among the pre-existent Erotic Hypno community. By merely stating the difference between Myself and others, I set off a storm of objection among “the hypnodommes” that merely reiterated the powerful way I had learned to express Myself years back on yahoo. Controversy had become My middle name long ago, and it’s more important to Me to be fearlessly direct in order to separate Myself from the chaff. I also woke to the fact that I would not be welcome within any existing infrastructure, as most of it was already controlled by other Hypnodommes, so I sought out to create a new infrasctucture to establish the balance, even enable an alternative portal for others with similar values as Myself. I host a blog site called, which not only features My latest news but content about Erotic Hypnosis in general, as well as creatively inspired works by some of My followers and fans. My store here sells downloadble content as well as mail order CDs and DVDs, and is also open to other Hypnotists who would like to sell their wares. I also have a tumblr, twitter, and a personal artist, as well as fan page on Facebook.
Don’t Sweat the Technique!
It has come to be known that I employ three basic levels of mind control and causational evolution. The first, and lowest vibrational tool is Hypnosis. Hypnosis creates a relaxed mental state whereby the unconscious mind can be fed or “spoken to”, as long as the subject is open and willing. The second level is known as N.L.P. (Neuro-Linguistic Programming). With NLP, I can access your unconscious mind immediately without inducing hypnosis; certain language I use can create an instant access port, thus bypassing the conscious (ego/yang) and subconscious (id/yin) states. The third level of My particular skill-set is My own technique, utilizing brainwave entrainment, which I simply refer to as entrainment. Entrainment, most basically explained, is the technique whereby My mind literally and physically trains and leads yours, conducting your brainwaves from Mine. In My recorded files, I also utilize binaural beats placed in proper sequential order, which further enhances entrainment. However, entrainment is best experienced live, either via text, voice or video.
Lets do it LIVE!
Only recently I have started now doing live private sessions, things have been going well, and the feedback and experience has been wonderfully fulfilling. While I may eventually do “custom trance” sessions, as of now I am performing interactive, reworked and expanded versions of each of My studies, preferably in order.
“What and how do I study?”
My hypnotic files, which I call “studies”, are very much created in an exact order, which maximizes their transformational effect. The studies reintroduce the subject to new concepts, from a fresh perspective. The subject is ushered to study in the following order:
1. The Ensconcing (subject newly meets Goddess)
2. The Gift (subject newly meets themselves)
3. The Entrapment (subject newly meets the world)
4. The Puppetry (subject learns its use)
5. The Inception (subject becomes entrained)
6. The Reinforcement (subject achieves devotion)
7. The Completion (subject is made whole with Me)
8. The Reclamation (subject is brought back to Goddess)
9. The Constrainment (subject meets maker)
(I also have produced several post-hypnotic files for the subject’s enjoyment of the studies, called XP’s or Expansion Packs, as well as one full video induction)
At the time of this writing, 9 steps, or studies are a complete journey toward becoming Mine. The studies should be observed and inculcated, by listening (or watched) regularly over period of time. Beyond studying, listening, and learning these works, the emphasis is on community. If one has truly grasped the concepts contained within, the subject profoundly understands that Untouchable Fearless Hotties as a likeminded family is paramount. Service to Me is only part of the journey. Without self improvement, and dedication to each other, very little forward motion can be achieved. I value less one who focuses only on Me, than one who focuses on Me, along with themselves and their brothers and sisters. Spreading our message is deeply important as well, but never overdone to the point of imposition to others.
“Goddess, how may i serve?”
This is a complex question when it comes to Me, in that My goals are of mutual benefit, not solely for My own. However, this is generally the order by which a subject may work toward becoming Mine in some form or fashion:
1) Join My community site, VenusHypno.Com, which is free of charge. it’s a very warm and friendly social network, where members are encouraged to get to know each other and share on the most varied of topics. This is not merely another Hypno “meat market”. My inner family, the U.F.H. Family presides and resides there.
2) Study, study, study! I will probably never take an hypnotic subject very seriously if they do not value My work to the degree whereby they at least have some familiarity with My studies.
3) Put it into Practice! If I notice that a subject is studying, helping out with the community, truly giving of themselves in a positive and attractive light, I may ascend them to a new level, sometimes in terms of a rank within the site, or a nickname. Are you spreading the word and attracting new members to our site? Are you writing reviews about My work and posting them on pertinent sites? Are you designing motivational graphics inspired by My work? Subjects should consider how much work they have put in before even asking Me about submission.
4) D/s or Erotic Hypno? On the other hand one may become My personal/direct submissive via other means, not just hypnosis. Remember, there is a difference between D/s and erotic hypnosis, they are not mutually exclusive! While My hypnotic studies are effective in terms of conditioning, ultimately I do crave the submission of a sober mind when it comes down to collaring. Also I should mention here I don’t generally collar a submissive until after six months of observation and training.
5) Support What I am trying to do. Some subjects, submissives, and fans alike prefer to Gift their Goddess. Well, while I am not by any means a findomme and will never pressure nor insist on financial support, I do have a few ways you can do this. If you wish to buy Me gifts, use My Amazon Wish-list. I also have a Niteflirt page where you can pay a tribute as well, also you can do so right here in My store. Or, you can always send Me a paypal tribute as well, to the email address venuspayments(at) Many friends and followers prefer to simply send Me an Amazon Gift Card, which is so easy! Once you get the code, you can insert My email address or just mail the code to Me! My email address is venushypnostore(at)
“Goddess Cathy never tells me exactly what I should do to please Her.”
This is for a reason. Just as in most modern religion, your Goddess must remain somewhat mysterious in order for the subject to apply “faith” in Her, without necessarily being knowledgable of all Her doings. As a subject you are on a strictly need-to-know basis. There is often a problem if a submissive is thinking too much, and thus cheapening their faith. The less your conscious mind knows in surety, the less your faithful devotion is needed. And yes I do need your devotion and love to exist. The Shepherd is only as good as Her flock. I am a bit like Tinkerbell, of Peter Pan fame. You will quickly learn within My community, that where there is love and acceptance, I appear often; where there is discord and arguing, I shall be scarcely seen.
Rules for Customers
1. To become a subject/customer of Goddess Cathy is a privilege not a right. Goddess Cathy reserves the right to refuse business as She sees fit with neither explanation nor cause.
2. Recorded/live sessions include various techniques but are still understood to be limited to the category of entertainment and are not to be taken too seriously to the point of harm, annoyance, or detriment to the subject or hypnotist.
3. The inherent relationship between Goddess Cathy and her subjects must be one of non-critical thinking in order for anything to work well. As an hypnotic subject you will agree not to suggest, criticize, nor judge any of the techniques used by Goddess Cathy Venus.
4. Any customer/subject who is deemed psychologically unbalanced or unfit to the point where Goddess Cathy’s hypnosis may do harm, shall be discontinued for live and/or recorded sessions.
5. Customers/Subjects will conduct themselves in an orderly, respectable, and respectful manner. Those acting otherwise will be dismissed.
6. Constantly baiting Goddess Cathy into meandering, meaningless conversations online or free role-play or textual trance, is deemed a waste of Her time. Serious inquiries or session requests can be made, via email, Facebook, or via private messages on this site. Feedback from recorded/live sessions is encouraged to be done in the form of creative or written tribute or even public discourse, not private messages to Goddess Cathy.
7. Goddess Cathy is an Hypnotist, and Dominant Guide, not a psychiatrist offering free help sessions. While She is often known for her sincere and personable nature, Her time will not be taken for granted nor taken advantage of. Customers/subjects wishing for such help from Her can kindly book a paid session and receive the full benefits of Her wisdom, advice and guidance.
8. By agreeing to subject yourself to Goddess Cathy’s hypnotic training you are warranting that you are an adult, and additionally promise not to operate heavy machinery nor drive immediately after experiencing Her hypnosis.
G.C.V. is not a replacement for G.O.D.
Last but not least, I would like to reinforce the fact that i posit Myself as a Goddess of Hypnosis or Dominance and submission. I do not seek to replace nor supplant the One and only Omniscient Creator of all things. I am a guide and hope at times to show even a glimmer of My personal Divinity. If My teachings lead you to become closer to the Supreme Being of your choice, then so be it, and I am honored to do so.
Thank you for reading and Happy Trancing!
Goddess Cathy Venus